Looping is the single biggest barrier to safe & effective colonoscopy. Occurring in up to 90% of procedures, looping is the primary cause of patient pain, complications, and failed exams. Additionally, current methods to address looping—scope torquing, manual abdominal pressure, and patient repositioning put endoscopy staff and patients at risk of injury. ColoWrap® is the first and only abdominal compression designed to mitigate looping during colonoscopy. Applied to the patient during the exam, ColoWrap delivers targeted, adjustable abdominal pressure to minimize sigmoid and transverse looping. ColoWrap can be quickly and easily adjusted to address loop formation while advancing the scope to the cecum. In clinical trials, ColoWrap has been shown to shorten cecal intubation time and reduce the need for manual pressure and patient repositioning by 90%. ColoWrap is particularly effective for patients expected to have a difficult colonoscopy: - BMI > 30 / 35 - Prior difficult / incomplete colonoscopy - Prior abdominal surgery - Known tortuous / redundant colon - Abdominal hernia - Unsedated colonoscopy ColoWrap is sold in five sizes and is a cost-effective, single-use device. By preventing looping during colonoscopy, ColoWrap empowers organizations to create a Zero Harm ergonomic endoscopy environment.
ColoWrap, LLC.
3333 Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd
Ste. A200
Suite A200
Durham, NC 27707